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Province of Lecco - Lombardy

by Milena and Tiziano

Piani di Nava - Church of San Calimero (1493m)

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car: 1 hour

In Valsassina from Baiedo, a hamlet of Pasturo (600m), take the mule track to Piani di Nava. Turn towards the church of San Calimero for a fantastic view of Valsassina. On the way back, go down to the Riva Refuge for a characteristic lunch and complete the ring at Piani di Nava.
Return to Baiedo via the same road. Easy trails but challenging altitude difference.


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Path of the Wayfarer: Lecco - Abbadia Lariana

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car: 45 minutes

More demanding walk than expected, taking more than two hours: starting from the Lungolago di Lecco, take the path either at the height of Le Caviate or parking directly on the road to the Trattoria dei Bodega, from where the paths to the climbing rocks also start . In addition to the frequent ups and downs, some points require sure footing. The convenience is being able to return to Lecco by train so as not to travel the same route again. Pleasant views of the lake.

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Civate - Abbey of San Pietro al Monte map
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car: 45 minutes

The walk starts from Civate in the Ril area (315m) and on mule track path n.10 reaches the abbey at 625m. There are descriptive signs already along the route.  The place is very well kept with lawns for relaxation and views of Lake Annone and the Barro and Resegone mountains.
You can continue to the top of Mount Cornizzolo (1240m) or you can return via another slightly longer but less steep route. 



Carenno (626 m) - Colle di Sogno (954 m) map
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car: 1 hour 

In Carenno, park at the sports fields and continue on foot on the asphalt road in via Per il Colle, the mule track will soon leave which takes you to the characteristic, very panoramic town of Colle di Sogno in an hour. It is then possible to continue to the summit of Mt. Tesoro (1,432 m) by turning right at the crossroads or enjoy flatter paths in beautiful woods by turning left. It is not recommended to reach the town by car because the road is 15 km long.



Alpe del Giumello - Mount Croce di Muggio  map
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car: 1 hour and 40 min

You can arrive at Alpe del Giumello by car and park in front of theGenius refuge with three euros for the whole day. The circular walk around Mount Muggio involves light ups and downs and would not be challenging apart from small equipped passages on rock where surefootedness is required. Most of the ride is in the bosco and can be boring until you go along the side above Lake Como where, if the day is clear, you can enjoy a vast panorama that is truly worth it. Instead of the tour you might as well go up to the summit (about 300m difference in altitude) along the "Blueberry path". For those who want to walk a little and only on level ground you can, once you arrive at the car park,  go left directly towards Lake Como.

Paderno d'Adda - Sanctuary of Rocchetta map
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car: 30 mins.

Park in Paderno d'Adda near the San Michele bridge, particular for its iron arch style.  The cycle/pedestrian path runs alongside the Alzaia canal. The river in the most recessed part between the rocks is visible at times thanks to short paths that enter the wood. The old hydroelectric plants owned by Edison in Calusco and Porto d'Adda are notable examples of Lombard architecture. The Sanctuary of Rocchetta  is located on the top of a hill overlooking the Adda river and from which you can enjoy a wonderful panorama. Beautiful walk.

Path of the Big Trees - Zuc de Valmana map
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car: 1 hour and 30 min.

Reach Mortarone  in Valsassina by car. The road that starts from Ballabio lunga  15 km is narrow and winding. Park in the village where there are works of contemporary art outdoors.  The path, well signposted, in the first part crosses a beech forest with large specimens. Refreshments at the Costa del Palio refuge are recommended. Stunning panorama from the Zuc da Valmana peak (1546m). Fastest return along the dirt road for a total of 4 hours of walking.

Alpe di Paglio - ref. Shadow (1580m) map
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car: 1 hour and 30 min.

From the Alpe di Paglio car park (1400m) follow the road to Pian delle Betulle. At the Adventure Park, take the path to the Ombrega refuge. Walk  very pleasant with few ups and downs. If you wish, you can go up to the chapel along the ridge and then go down again on the flat path. Lunch at the refuge and return by the same route.

Piani d'Erna - Griff pass (m.te Resegone) map
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car: 1 hour

Reach the square of the cable car at the end of via Prealpi in Lecco by car. Paid parking (3 euros). At the top of the cable car (1375m) the panorama is vast and worth the short climb to the Croce del Pizzo d'Erna. A beautiful path leads to the Griff pass - some stretches completely covered with dry leaves made it a bit slippery. You can continue towards the peaks of Resegone, but after the woods the path becomes demanding and for experts. Good lunch at the Trattoria Milani near the cable car.

Path of the Wayfarer: Varenna-Bellano map
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car: 1 hour

The Sentiero del Viandante starts from Abbadia Lariana and continues up to Colico in an ups and downs full of panoramic views of Lake Como. The stretch we made was from Varenna to Bellano (two hours of walking with return by train) on a day of complete fog that we couldn't even see the lake. We also could not access theVezio Castleas it is closed to the public in winter.
Positive visit toBellano ravine(about 20 minutes) to take beautiful photos of the impressive waterfalls.

Cenghen Waterfalls map
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car: 1 hour

Departure on foot from Abbadia Lariana fraction Linzanico. You walk in the woods along a mule track for about an hour  making a difference in altitude of about 300m. The waterfall is very impressive and particular, to be seen.
Lunch in Abbadia along the state road at the Trattoria del Viandante outdoors, excellent fish-based dishes.

Lake Pusianomap
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car: 1/2 hour 

Departure on foot from Bosisio Parini lakeside promenade.
It is necessary to walk along the road at times to reach other places with a lakeside path. 
The location and the menu of the K13 restaurant in Eupilio (reached by car) are relevant. In the afternoon, a 5 km walk around Lake Segrino, all flat, many people but very pleasant.

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by car: 1 hour and 20min

Departure from the Valcava pass, known as the Terrace of Lombardy. It is necessary to pass the antennas of the repeater to enjoy an excellent view of the Po valley. The walk made is the one between Monte Linzone and Monte Tesoro. Lunch at Da Fausto pizzeria restaurant, simple menu accompanied by excellent wine.

Brivio - along Addamap
car: 40 minutes

Park in Brivio at the sports field: Along the river you can take a nice cycle/pedestrian path up to Paderno d'Adda towards Milan or, in the opposite direction, up to Calolzio Corte towards Lecco. They are both distances of  about 9 km with two hours of walking. Beautiful and peaceful walks in the middle of nature.  

Lake Annonemap
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car: 45 minutes

Departure from Oggiono, but being a route around the lake you can start anywhere. Being in the middle of winter, silence and faded colors give a little melancholy. Very pleasant lunch at the Santa Polenta restaurant, and the name says it all.

Piani di Artavaggio (1650m) - Mt Zuccone Campelli (2161m) map
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car: 1 hour

Park in Moggio and take the cable car to Piani di Artavaggioi. Go up to the Nicola refuge e  take path 101 which runs through the Mughi valley. The rocky peak is not recommended for those suffering from vertigo but the panorama along the entire route between rock pinnacles is worth the effort. You can descend to Piani di Bobbio  on a demanding and equipped path.
26-09-2020 and 24/06/2017

Piani di Bobbio  (1644m) map
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car: 1 hour

Parking in Barzio at the cable car station. At the top is the Sora refuge. It was built in 1950 by Angelo Casari who wanted to dedicate it to his friend Gennaro Sora, with whom he participated in the 1928 Nobile expedition to the North Pole. The easy walk, given the presence of snow, was only up to the Lecco refuge in twenty minutes. Excellent starting point for summer excursions.

Piani dei Resinelli (1300m) - Belvederemap
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car: 1 hour

The closest car park for Parco Valentino is the one at the foot of the skyscraper in Via degli Escursionisti near the Mines.  Easy circular walk. You go up to Monte Coltignone (1479) in about an hour. Fantastic panorama of Lecco, continue down to the Belvedere, a terrace exposed in the void that completes the view of Lake Como and return to Piani dei Resinelli to choose a good restaurant.
26-09-2018 and 29-10-2022

Margno - Pian delle Betulle (1500m) map
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car: 1 hour and a half

From Margno (730m.), walking along the mule track in the woods in about 1h30 with a difference in height of 750m, you arrive at Pian delle Betulle, a tourist center on a plateau where there are restaurants, attractions for children and is_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_also reachable by cable car

Pian delle Betulle
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