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Province of Verbano-Cusio-Ossolo

Santa Maria Maggiore - Moino lakes map
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car: 2 hours 

The proposed path starts from the Vigezzo plain (1726m) reachable by cable car in Prestinone di Craveggia.
Having reached the Bocchetta di Moino (1974m) where you can enjoy a remarkable panorama, you descend to the small lakes of Moino (1881m) among woods and pastures. Once we returned to the cable car and after having eaten well at the La Tana restaurant, we went up to the panoramic point in front for a view over the entire Val Vigezzo.
To visit in Sa
nta Maria Maggiore the chimney sweep museum.

Val Bognanco - Gattascosa refuge (2000m)   map
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by car: 2 hours and 15 min

From Domodossola go up to Bognanco and continue for the ref. San Bernardo where you can park. The route is circular (4 hours): it is advisable to go up the very suggestive path between conifers, rhododendrons and waterways. You pass by the lake of Ragozza and reach the ref. Gattascosa. Continue up to the Monscera pass (2103m)   on the Swiss border and you can return more gently along the dirt road that passes from the ref. Off and back to the ref. St. Bernard.
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Stresa - Chestnut Paths  map
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by car: 1 hour  15 min

In Stresa you can stroll along the lakefront and in the park of Villa Pallavicini, for a fee, very pleasant for its flowers and for the   wildlife park.
The chestnut path connects  Stresa to Belgirate for 8 km on a slight slope with short stretches of paved road and long cobbled mule tracks that offer suggestive views of Lake Maggiore. And for a fantastic pizza in Stresa we recommend Taverna del Pappagallo.

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Macugnaga - Lake of the Fairies map
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by car: 2 hours

Departure on foot from Isella, parking immediately after the bridge over the Anza stream on the left of the state road. The difference in height is minimal and in half an hour you can reach the small lake of the Fairies, originating from the construction of the dam built in 1948. You can continue along the Quarazza valley on a still flat road to the locality of Crocette, an ancient miners' village. It is a family-friendly walk with plenty of picnic areas. To enjoy beautiful views, instead, it is better to opt for the ascent to the Madonna delle Nevi (2950m) on the M.te Moro pass, which can be reached by cable car that leaves from the hamlet of Staffa.
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Antrona lake map
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by car: 2 hours

Departure on foot from Antropiana. Beautiful wood to cross born on a landslide of enormous proportions that occurred in 1692 and which gave rise to Lake Antrona. Walking around the lake it is possible thanks to the walkways to pass behind the very high waterfall of the Rio Sajont.
We then recommend reaching the dam of Lake Campliccioli which is immersed in a beautiful mountain landscape. Part of the path retraces old abandoned rails . 

Valgrande - Cicogna  map
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by car: 1 hour and 30 min.

Departure on foot from Cossogno taking the road to Inoca. Valgrande is wild and the long path in the last part tiring. The part that runs along the canyon of the stream that branches off at a certain point is beautiful. The locality of Cicogna appears only at the end of the path. We had lunch in the only Agriturismo which, having arrived over time, had only polenta and salami, but when we were tired and hungry it was more than enough.

Tour of Lake Mergozzo map
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by car: 1 hour and 30 min.

From the village of Mergozzo, a picturesque and well-restored historic center, take the "Sentiero Azzurro" and continue towards Montorfano for 3km: skirt the lake while remaining in the woods. The Montorfano village is characterized by the extraction of white granite. Even if there is no path to complete the tour of the lake, we crossed the stretch of coast alongside a golf course and the areas equipped for summer camping and we returned to Mergozzo along the asphalted road. 136bad5cf58d_
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