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Province of Milan

Groppello d'Adda map
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car: 30 minutes

Departure on foot from Cassano d'Adda fraction Groppello d'Adda on the bank of the Naviglio della Martesana where there is a large water wheel. You walk up to Gera d'Adda and then Vaprio d'Adda on a dirt road and partly a path in the woods, all flat.
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Trezzo d'Adda map
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car: 30 minutes

Departure on foot with parking behind the Trezzo Castle towards the Adda. The long river is beautiful for the vegetation and fauna characteristic of the river environment. There are also valuable monuments, such as hydroelectric power stations, bridges, canals of the canal, hydraulic engineering works designed by Leonardo da Vinci. 

Vaprio d'Adda - Crespi village map
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by car: 35 min

From Vaprio to Concesa, take the towpath between the river and the Martesana canal. An ideal city of work, a small fiefdom where the owner's castle was a symbol of both authority and benevolence towards workers and their families.  
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Muzza canal  map
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by car: 30 min

This canal originates from Cassano d'Adda and was the oldest and largest irrigation canal in Europe and one of the most important hydraulic energy works.
In the utmost quiet, you can walk for 39 km on cycle and pedestrian paths alongside only fields and rural farmsteads. The stretch we covered on foot was the one from Trucazzano towards the south for 5 km.

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